1217. Be blessed knowing God is here for you - daily bible verse

September 03, 2024 00:07:35
1217. Be blessed knowing God is here for you - daily bible verse
Daily Bible Verse and Teaching
1217. Be blessed knowing God is here for you - daily bible verse

Sep 03 2024 | 00:07:35


Show Notes

Be blessed knowing God is here for you – Romans 5:1-5 Romans 5:1-5 5 Therefore being justified (set forth as righteous) by (out from) faith (believing), we have peace (state of undisturbed well being) with (out from) God through (the dividing line) our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By (the dividing line) whom also we have (obtained) access (the introduction) also by (the dividing line) faith into (motion to) this grace (a kind, affectionate, pleasing nature and inclining disposition) wherein (in which) we stand, and rejoice (speak loud, boast, vaunt oneself) in (resting within) hope (expectations of future good) of the glory (a real knowledge […]

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