Episode Transcript
[00:00:01] Speaker A: Good morning. Good morning. How are you on this fine, fine, but beautiful day?
[00:00:06] Speaker B: I hope you're having a great day today and I hope you are excited.
[00:00:09] Speaker A: Today because today is another day that the Lord hath made. We will be glad. We will rejoice in it. Rejoice in every single moment that you have under the sun in this cosmos, in this arrangement. Be thankful, be happy, continually give God that sacrifice of praise. Praise him and thank him. Stand fast in the liberty where with Christ hath made you free. And that's the freedom to go where one wants. Stand in that liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free. And be not entangled again with the weight or the yoke of bondage which is servitude to the law. You've been given freedom in this life.
You've been given freedom to do whatever it is you want to do. And it's when you choose God and you start to put your focus on God, you start to change your mind that it all opens up, I think in like Proverbs, chapter 16. The preparations. Chapter 16, verse 1. The preparations or the arrangements or the plans of the heart are in man. The answer of the tongue is from the Lord. Now there's an ellipsis in this. It's to man pertains the plans of his heart. But from Jehovah comes the final decree.
You know it. The plans come from you. That's what's so beautiful there. There's that liberty. Stand in the liberty wherewith you have the. The. The freedom to go where one wants. But when you start going to God, he's going to direct your path. And that path might be completely different than the things that you thought you wanted in a way. I mean, I had this, this idea when I was a child that all I wanted to do was own a business. And you know, God gave me that at a young age. But once you start to work in that business, it's a completely different game than I thought it was going to be. And yet God worked with me. So then all of a sudden, over the years of now, it's been like 15 years now it's a completely different thing. The business isn't what drives me anymore. My life is what drives me. Had I been successful young, real young, like very well, had I been successful in business because I was successful. But had I been successful in business young, my whole. Everything would have been different. And there were trials and tribulations and it's all brought me here. When you start to go to God and when you start to choose to read every day and you start to choose to follow what God says, the plans, the direction of your life, the, the, the. The aisle, the alley that God cuts for you. It, it. It's glorious.
It'll change everything about you in a good way. And you'll start recognizing the things that you need to change to ultimately bless you, because you're not going to the. Who you are. And your position in the body of believers will not change with God based on what you do, because it's by faith, through faith. Once you believe in the name of Jesus Christ, you are set forth as righteous again. Romans 10, 9, 10. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart, that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt absolutely be saved. It's over that minute. But your life can be full. Your life can be satiated and sustained. You can live in a state of peace, which is where you don't have fear. It's a beautiful thing that God has for you, but it takes time and you got to start believing in this stuff. If you go to Colossians, chapter 2, verse 1. For I would that you knew what great conflict I have for you and for them at Laodicea and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh, in order that their hearts might be comforted, or this is called aside or appealed to, being joined together in love. God has called you aside and appealed to your heart, joining you with the body of believers. And you are joined in love. And again, love. God is love and perfect love. It casteth out fear, because fear hath torment again, in order that their hearts might be comforted, or called aside, or appealed to, being joined together in love. And unto all the riches of the full assurance of understanding and to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God and of the. And of the Father and of Christ.
God has given you. When you. When you believe in the name of Jesus Christ, you are joined together in love unto the riches, the abounding riches. Having a full assurance in the understanding, which is understanding what God wants for you, understanding the difference between good and evil, the reflective conscience.
You can look back on your life with truth. God gives you the spirit of truth. You can see yourself as you are exposed to God.
Your thoughts become more clear, because once you are truthful with yourself and understand who you are as a person, God is going to show that to you. And then you get to make a choice, because you have the liberty to go where one wants you have the liberty to choose what you want in your life because God gave you that liberty. Christ died for you to have that liberty. That it wasn't all about following the laws. That's all they were about. That's the only the Jewish religion prior to Christ Jesus. All of it had to do with laws. And you think about the laws of our land and how sometimes they. They oppress you.
God does not oppress. God's God lifted the oppression. In order that you can stand in liberty, you have the freedom to go where one wants. You get to choose. You got to choose God in life, you got to choose what the greatest thing is, what will fill you up, what will make you peaceful, what will solve problems. It's that peace that comes from above. It's spiritual.
Pray the big prayers today. Lift everything up in the name of Jesus Christ. Know that you are called to, you are appealed to, you are chosen before the foundations of the world. Therefore you are a son of God. Now in conjunction, sitting right next to Christ Jesus, now you have all power. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. You have everything now enjoy that. Pray the big prayers. Lift everything up in the name of Jesus Christ. Never pray to Jesus Christ. You pray to God. You lift it up in the name of Jesus Christ. It's biblical. Have a beautiful day today. God bless you and your family and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Let your soul and spirit fly into the misty well.
[00:06:38] Speaker B: Heavenly Father, I just thank you for just everything that's going on. I pray for Rob and his family and just that you take care of him in this time.
You know that now that his dad died. Father, you just, just bless that family and that situation. I thank you again for the moments of my life. I thank you for again the people you surround me with and just growing me up so I'm not looking on childish things, Father. And I just thank you for the moments and for my family and for your son, what he did for us. And I pray for each and every one of your believers today that you just take care of them and bless them and show them anything that they need to be shown. And I thank you for the ability to go to you and obviously your word. I lift up a great day to you in the name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.