608. Remove anxiousness through prayer

January 26, 2022 00:06:30
608. Remove anxiousness through prayer
Daily Bible Verse and Teaching
608. Remove anxiousness through prayer

Jan 26 2022 | 00:06:30


Show Notes

Remove anxiousness through prayer – Philippians 4:4-7

Philippians 4:4-7

Rejoice (be delighted, pleased) in (resting within) the Lord (Christ) always: and again I say, Rejoice.

Let your moderation (forbearance and consideration) be known (experientially known) unto all men. The Lord (Christ) is at hand.

Be careful (anxious)l for nothing (not one thing); but in every thing (all things) by prayer (prayers to God) and supplication (specific prayers of need) with thanksgiving let your requests (specific requests) be made known (declare) unto God.

And the peace (state of wellbeing) of God, which passeth (surpassing) all understanding (thought), shall keep (garrison or fortify) your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Remove anxiousness through prayer

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