695. Build that relationship with God because that's what we are here for - daily bible verse

May 13, 2022 00:09:09
695. Build that relationship with God because that's what we are here for - daily bible verse
Daily Bible Verse and Teaching
695. Build that relationship with God because that's what we are here for - daily bible verse

May 13 2022 | 00:09:09


Show Notes

Build that relationship with God because that's what we are here for - 2 Peter 1:2-3

2 Peter 1:2-3

2 Grace (God's loving disposition) and peace (the state of undisturbed well being) be multiplied (make you full) unto you through (through the instrument of) the knowledge (a true and personal relationship and heed the advice) of God, and of Jesus our Lord,

3 According as his divine (godly) power (inherent power: power of reproducing itself) hath (are) given unto us all (as to) things that pertain unto (for) life and godliness, through (with the purpose of) the knowledge (epignosis: true and personal relationship and heed the advice) of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

Godliness - relates to real, true, vital and spiritual relation with God : while (worship) relates to the outward acts of religious observances or ceremonies, which can be performed by the flesh. Our eng. word "religion" was never used in the sense of true godliness. It always meant the out forms of worship.

Build that relationship with God because that's what we are here for

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