Add to your faith - 2 Peter 2:2-8
2 Peter 2:2-8
2 Grace (God's loving disposition) and peace (the state of undisturbed well being) be multiplied (make you full) unto you through (through the instrument of) the knowledge (a true and personal relationship and heed the advice) of God, and of Jesus our Lord,
3 According as his divine (godly) power (inherent power: power of reproducing itself) hath (are) given unto us all (as to) things that pertain unto (for) life and godliness (relates to a real, true, vital, and spiritual relation with God), through (with the purpose of) the knowledge (epignosis: true and personal relationship and heed the advice) of him that hath called us to glory and virtue (superiority: that which gives man his worth, his efficiency, his moral excellence, his quality):
4 Whereby (by which) are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be (become) partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust (sinful desire).
5 And beside this, giving all diligence (speed, haste), add to your faith virtue (moral excellence); and to virtue knowledge (experiential knowledge);
6 And to knowledge temperance (self control); and to temperance (self control) patience (endurance); and to patience godliness (relates to a real, true, vital, and spiritual relation with God);
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