Episode Transcript
[00:00:01] Speaker A: Good morning. Good morning. How are you on this fine, fine, beautiful day? I hope you're having a great day today, and I hope you are excited today, because today is the day that the Lord hath made. We will be glad. We will rejoice in it. Rejoice. And that's, be happy, be blessed in every single moment that you have under the sun, in this cosmos, in this arrangement, be thankful, be happy, continually give God that sacrifice of praise. Now under the sun. In my case, it's under grace guys all the time. It's like, some point, it's like, God, you gotta get rid of these grace guys.
[00:00:35] Speaker B: It's just killing me.
[00:00:37] Speaker A: But today I was reading, I was feeling kind of. I don't know. I don't know if you go through this almost, like, somber. I was thinking about how God has totally blessed my life and pretty much given me everything that I've wanted. And now I'm in this state where you go through, like, once you have things and you're like, well, what's the point? And I go through this about once or twice a year. What is the point, God? I don't understand all this. Like, once you're in a point of rest, it talks about there is a rest day for the people of God where you cease from your works and you do God's works. And once you start to work through that tribulation, to work with patience, patience, experience, experience, hope. Once you've gone through all that stuff and you have a firm reliance on God and he brings you through, brings you out of that tribulation to where you're in that state of rest, it's almost an uncomfortable place to be in sometimes.
God has so much for you, and he loves us so much. And I'm sure, you know there's something on the horizon. There always is. But I was reading today and I was feeling very, very thankful, very thankful for the things God's given me. And I want to go over a couple verses. If you go to Psalms, chapter 34, verse 1, it says, I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
I think during the. During the week or during the day, like, usually I'll do these teachings and then I'll just kind of do the day. You know what I mean? And it's kind of. You kind of go in and out of thinking about God.
This is one thing I wish I did more of. Maybe like, set an alarm, like, oh, thank you, God. I don't think you got it.
I don't know, I just think there's so many distractions. There's so many things that can move you away from what's important. And it's God that's important. It really is. It's God and His Word and these verses. And if you're going through that tribulation, I mean, it's almost a joyful time to be in, because you're going to get through it. You're going to get through it and it's going to work in you a good work. God's word never comes back. Void anyways. Verse 4. I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.
I love that he hears.
I sought the Lord and He hears you. And you know he'll never not listen. He's infinitely powerful. He can hear all day long. If you want to talk to God and you want to just pour out your heart with everything that's going on, all day long he's there all day long. He hears you. Now some things are on his timing. I mean, I'm still not married. And this is one of these things that's very interesting to me because I don't really understand why not? You know, like why God? Why is it? Why is that? But the thing is, is that God's timing, it's on God's timing. He hears what's going on in your life, but it's on his timing. There is a time and a place for everything, a season for his purpose.
He's working in you a good work. And I think about, if I was married, there's no way I'd be doing these teachings. And I think that it's more important for me to be doing that right now than it is to have maybe wife and kids. I don't know. God's. God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts. His ways are higher than our ways. I don't question God. He's God Almighty and He knows what your. He knows your heart. He knows who you are, the seat of your distinctive character, the thing that makes you you. God knows. He knows the emotional revolvings of the mind. He knows what's in the mind and he's there for you in all things. Verse 5. They looked unto him and were lightened or made radiant, and their faces were not ashamed. This is also another beautiful verse.
I just think about it. When you look at God and that light just shines on your face. You're made radiant when you're looking at God.
When you look to God and you cry unto him, you're Made radiant face him. Verse 6. This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.
He looked to God, he cried out to God. God heard him and saved him from all his troubles. There is not fear and love. Be anxious for not one thing. You're not to walk around in life being scared and afraid and worried. That is not what God has for you. And it's just a matter of starting to look towards Him. His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. When you put this stuff in, when you read the inner thoughts of God, which is His Word, and you start to apply those inner thoughts, you start to apply the word of the reconciliation, the word of the reconnection. It connects you to the Spirit. And in that spirit, you're not going to walk in fear. You're not going to walk without love.
That's not the life that God wants for you and has for you.
Verse 7. The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear or have reverential awe for him and delivereth them. Not only do you have God, you have a company of angels around you. There's nothing in this life that God is not big enough for. He's infinitely. His wisdom is infinitely diversified that just. I just love that. Infinitely diversified. His. He's so much higher. You cannot think the way he thinks. He knows what's going on in your life. You might need to be going through something if you're going through it for a purpose, to change you into someone who just believes and stands when you actually need it, when there is a serious thing going on, you can stand on his word.
Stand, therefore, set your course of life. Be made radiant by looking on him, by looking towards Him. Your faces will shine.
It's beautiful. Have a beautiful day today. Pray the big prayers. When you pray, you pray to God, never to Jesus Christ. This is big. It's biblical. You. You pray to God, you lift it up in the name of Jesus Christ. Have a beautiful day. God bless you and your family. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
[00:06:39] Speaker B: Well, Heavenly Father, thank you so much just for the moments of my life and the things that you've given me. And just pray for everything that's going on, especially getting through these taxes that it's.
[00:06:49] Speaker A: It's.
[00:06:50] Speaker B: I don't know, just made. Made openly known so I can just plow through these and it all works out. Father, I thank you for just everything.
[00:06:59] Speaker A: That you've given me, for the time I have and the family I have.
[00:07:02] Speaker B: And the people you've surrounded me with, friends and people I work with. I thank you for just moving forward. And anything or anything that you want me to pray on or to think on that you just put that in my heart, Father. And I thank you again for what your son did, that we can live this life. And I thank you for a beautiful day today. I lift everything up to you in the name of my Lord and Savior, Christ, Jes.