1281. God is building your faith - daily bible verse

January 17, 2025 00:07:31
1281. God is building your faith - daily bible verse
Daily Bible Verse and Teachings
1281. God is building your faith - daily bible verse

Jan 17 2025 | 00:07:31


Show Notes

God is building your faith – Romans 5:1-5, Romans 5:17 5 Therefore being justified (set forth as righteous) by (out from) faith (believing), we have peace (state of undisturbed well being) with (out from) God through (the dividing line) our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By (the dividing line) whom also we have (obtained) access (the introduction) also by (the dividing line) faith into (motion to) this grace (a kind, affectionate, pleasing nature and inclining disposition) wherein (in which) we stand, and rejoice (speak loud, boast, vaunt oneself) in (resting within) hope (expectations of future good) of the glory (a real knowledge of […]
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[00:00:01] Good morning. Good morning. How are you on this fine, fine, but youtiful day? I hope you're having a great day today and I hope you are excited today because today is the day that the Lord hath made. We will be glad. We will rejoice in it. Rejoice in every single moment that you have under the sun in this cosmos, in this arrangement. Be thankful, be happy. Continually give God that sacrifice of praise. Praise him and thank him and be joyful and joyous. [00:00:28] Yeah, back in. I don't know, I don't know if I'm exactly over it, but today I gotta, I have to go work out and I'm just kind of freaking out. I just like, oh man, oh man, I don't know if I'm ready for this. It's been about 10 days, maybe two weeks and the idea of going back is just crushing my soul. But anyways, I hope you're having a great morning and I hope you're excited about today. It's going to be a beautiful day today. If you go to chapter five of Romans. I was reading this this morning and it just blessed me again. It seems like recently everything I've been reading is just. I'm just so thankful for God and thankful for the things he's given me. Once you hit that rest of God where you just completely believe and you know that, you know that, you know that, you know, you get into just such a great place. If you go to Romans, chapter 5, verse 1, it says, Therefore being justified out from faith, we have peace with God. And the dividing line is our Lord Jesus Christ. Don't ever let anybody take away your righteousness. Don't let yourself take away your righteousness. You have peace with God right now. The minute you believe in the name of Jesus Christ, you're righteous. It doesn't matter what you do, you're not changed the favor. You've been restored to a place of favor and there's nothing you can do to be removed out of that place. That's what Christ Jesus died for in here actually in this chapter talks about through one man's offense, sin entered into the world. Which actually I'll go over over to chapter. It's. It's actually the same chap. Chapter 5, verse 17. For if by one man's offense death reigned through the one much more they which receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ. [00:02:17] It was the offense of one one offense. Adam transgressed against God one time and he lost that that place, that position between God, that connection between him and God and man and God was severed. And it took Christ Jesus dying for us in order for us to live right now in righteousness. We're restored to favor. Once you've been restored to favor, you can't change that. Christ died for you for that. And you can continue to sin and make mistakes and all those other things, but your restorate. You've been restored to the place of favor. Nothing can change your position. [00:02:57] You're affected in life, however, by what you do. It's not like you're not going to be affected by continually doing things that God tells you not to do, but you're not going to change your position. And that's what's so beautiful with God. If you go back to chapter two or verse two, therefore we've been justified out through faith. We have peace with God. Verse 2, by whom we have access by faith into the grace wherein we stand, rejoicing in hope of the glory of God. [00:03:25] You stand in grace. You've been restored to favor. There's nothing you can do to change that. Stand, therefore, and be thankful. And now I love this verse right, coming up right here, verse three. And not only so, but we rejoice also in tribulation or the afflictions. Knowing that tribulation or the afflictions, it works patient. It affects your. You're patient, and that's your patient enduring. [00:03:52] You have to go through the tribulations in life in order to learn how to endure, endure during. In, excuse me, endure during a time of tribulation. [00:04:04] Once you've done that a couple times, and once you've experienced tribulations and once you've learned patience, the next step is experience. And that is the state of being tried. You have to go through it so many times that you are. You learn to get into a state of being tried where you're comfortable. [00:04:22] You are comfortable in life knowing that God is there for you. I mean, I got pounded with business. That's. This is when I got pounded. Was has to do with finances and not having money and just getting to a point where I was just like, gotta, gotta take care of it. Because the stress, the pressure was so high in my life that it was just, you know, it's hard to breathe up there in that air. [00:04:44] But you learn patience and you learn and then you have experience in all this stuff and experience hope. And hope, which is the expectation of future good will never cause shame. And I can say that proudly and I love saying that. I Love that verse. Hope will never cause shame. Expectation of future good. When you've experienced tribulation to the point where you can sit there and you can stand and your hope is in God and your expectation is God living in that hope, that expectation of future good will never cause you shame. [00:05:23] Never. [00:05:24] God will support you. God is support. God loves you. He removes the fear. It's actually just learning to deal with tribulation in a peaceful state. Because you know that, you know that, you know that God's there for you. [00:05:41] That's what it takes. That's the life that it takes to the stuff that happens in your life, that it takes to get to a point where you just believe God knowing because he's come through over and over and over again. If you're just going through that first time of tribulation, welcome to the clan, man. Welcome to the team. Because there's gonna be more. [00:06:02] God is so good. And once you get to the other side and you have that expectation of future good, you'll understand. [00:06:10] We have a great God, man. We have a great God. Pray the big prayers today. Lift everything up in the name of Jesus Christ. When you pray, you always pray to God. Never forget this. You never pray to Jesus Christ. It doesn't do anything. You pray to God, you lift it up in the name of Jesus Christ. Have a beautiful day. God bless you and your family. I'll talk to you tomorrow. [00:06:42] Well, Heavenly Father, thank you so much just for every single thing you do for me and my family. I pray again for my energy levels and just get me healthy again and I can figure out what's going on, that I can get back to 110%. That'd be great, Father. Again, I pray for my golf game and the lack thereof that you always help me with, that I lift up and pray for each and every one of those people out there in California, North Carolina, Maui, that you just take care of them and bless them and. Yeah, just everything that's going on, that you just protect everyone. And again, I pray for this country that it can get back to 100% and just rolling, Father, and our business and the people we work with, and I just lift up a great day to you in the name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

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