Episode Transcript
[00:00:01] Speaker A: Good morning. Good morning. How are you on this fine, fine, beautiful day? I hope you're having a great day today, and I hope you are excited today because today is the day that the Lord hath made. We will be glad. We will rejoice in it. Rejoice in every single moment that you have under the sun in this cosmos, in this arrangement. Be ye thankful, be ye happy, continually. Give God that sacrifice of praise. Praise him in the morning, praise him at night.
You know, it's not the easiest thing to remember. There's just so much stuff happening right now that I'm having a hard time just like, waking up. And I just need to get into that pattern. I'm more of a pattern person. So, like, I get up at a certain time, I go to bed at a certain time, and I actually have to kind of schedule this stuff in my life to make sure that I go to God. And I remember that this is out from the origins of God. The blessings that come in my life are from God.
You know, you. When you work, you work for God. You don't work for the people you're working for. You have to understand that God is the one who gives. God is the one who produces in your life. And there's just so many things that he'll take care of, but you got to remember to go to Him. And there's a reason why. I have no idea why he wants us to praise him and thank Him. But I would imagine that if you have kids, you always want that reverential awe from your kids, from your nephews, nieces, from your husband, your wife. You want that reverential all from them. And I think that's what God wants. But who knows? I. I'm not. I'm not asking. I have no idea what God wants outside of what he says in His Word. But if you go to Psalms chapter 111. I was reading this this morning and it blessed me. It says, praise ye the Lord. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart in the assembly of the upright in the congregation.
Praise God. Thank God. Be delighted in God. Verse 2. The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.
The works of the Lord are great, and it's sought out by those that have pleasure therein. Do you have pleasure in God's creation? Do you enjoy the things that God created? The other day I was just walking and I didn't. I just. I. It was crazy at night and I just looked up.
I don't know why. When I. As Far as in my life, I get so in my mind that I don't like sit there and enjoy the things that God has created. It was beautiful. It was like a full moon and it was all shimmery because it had been snowed. And just to look at God's creation and enjoy and have pleasure therein. Verse 3. His work is honorable and glorious and. And his righteousness endureth forever the uprightness of God. How many times has God forgiven the things that you've done in your life? How many times has he looked over the things that you've done?
He sent His Son, Christ Jesus died for us that we can live in that state of being passed over where it's not about sin consciousness.
You sit there and you love God and you love the things that he's done and recognize what he's doing in your life and that it's out from the. Or it's coming from God. The goodness of your life comes from God. Especially when you start to go to him, you'll see it. Verse 4. He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered. The Lord is gracious and full of compassion and that's active compassion. He's actively compassionate towards you. He's certainly compassionate towards me. There's so many things that I've done that hasn't been right. You know what I mean? There's so many things that he has saved me in situations. I don't know if you've dealt with this, where you could have gotten a horrible car accident and something happened where all of a sudden you move out of the way or you get that gut feeling where you know you shouldn't be somewhere God is compassionate towards you.
Verse 5. He hath given meat unto them that fear him or has reverential all towards him. He will ever be mindful of his covenant. His covenant that he made to Adam, or excuse me, that he made to Abraham was that he would be a God to his seed during their time. He would be a God to the children, to. To Abraham's children. Well, Jesus Christ died. And now that that middle wall of the partition between the Jews and the Gentiles, everybody has access to the covenant that God made with Abraham that he would be a God to him, to his seed in their time. He is your God. That's the covenant. If you jump down to verse nine, he sent redemption unto his people. He sent his son, Christ Jesus to die for us, that we have that covenant with Him. Now the Gentiles have access to the covenant.
He sent redemption unto his people. He hath commanded his covenant forever. Holy and Reverend is his name. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And I love this. The fear of the Lord, the reverential awe of God comes from wisdom. And wisdom is Christ Jesus. It talks about it in the New Testament, but he gave us access to it. A simple access.
Verse 7 or verse 10. Again, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding. Have all they that do his commandments, his praise endureth forever.
All you need to do the two new commandments is to believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another. Those are the two commandments. Everything spawns from that.
You have a God that's behind you. That's the point. He gives you the ability to do things and he loves you. Pray the big prayers today. Lift everything up in the name of Jesus Christ. Again, when you pray, you pray to God. You lift it up in the name of Jesus Christ. God bless you and your family, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
[00:06:03] Speaker B: Well, Heavenly Father, thank you so much again for the things that you've done in my life. I thank you for your word and just kind of what you opened up today for me there.
[00:06:12] Speaker A: And I just.
[00:06:14] Speaker B: It's. It's an amazing time to be alive. I thank you again for the moments that you put in my life and that you just continually give me strength to work and to knock out what.
[00:06:24] Speaker A: Needs to get knocked out.
[00:06:25] Speaker B: I also pray again for the health of my. My family, that you just take care of them and that you get him quickly through this, especially my brother, so he can get back to work.
[00:06:35] Speaker A: I thank you again for the moments.
[00:06:37] Speaker B: And for everything you do for your son. And I lift up a great day to you. In the name of my Lord and Savior Christ.