Episode Transcript
[00:00:01] Speaker A: Good morning. Good morning. How are you on this fine, fine, but youtful day? I hope you're having a great day today, and I hope you are excited today, because today is the day that the Lord hath made. We will be glad. We will rejoice in it. Rejoice in every single moment that you have under the sun in this cosmos and this arrangement. Be thankful, be happy. Continually give God that sacrifice.
[00:00:23] Speaker B: Praise.
[00:00:23] Speaker A: Praise Him. Thank him. Be joyful. Be happy. I download an upgrade on a computer today, and it went way too long. So I am, like, running through this. But this morning, you know, I'm gonna go over something that I've gone over a thousand times. But what I love about the Word is if you're dealing with something in your life and you've read the Word consistently to the point where you kind of know where things are there, it's always just such a blessing to be able to go there in times of need. And this is one of those things that I love, one of these places I love to read. If you go to Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, verse it says to everything there is an appointed time or a season, and a time or an appointed time to every purpose. And that's pleasure or desired thing under the heaven. There is an appointed time by God for everything under the sun and during the daylight. I mean, there is always a time for everything. And so if you're going through it and you're having a hard time, like, you know, when is this gonna roll? When's it gonna happen? There's an appointed time for everything. Verse 2. There is a season to be and a season and a time to die. There is a time to plant, and there is a time to pluck up that which is planted. It is beyond man's power to change the seasons. And I don't care what is going on, what man thinks. You can't change the seasons. God appoints the time. God appointed the seasons, Verse three. There's a time to kill and a time to heal. There's a time to break down and a time to build up. What I love about this is there's a time for judicial action and there's a time of peace. But there are both. There's. It's both left and right hand. There. There. It's gonna be. It's gonna happen. What? Regardless of what's going on, there is a time. There's an appointed time for these things. There's a time to weep and a time to laugh. There is a time to cast out stones and there's a time to gather stones together. This has to do with a field. There's a time to build a field. And there's a time and grow and produce and yield fruit in that field. But there's also a time to break it all down and start it over. Maybe to move the field, maybe to grow it. God sets the direction. There's a point. Where is that in here? I think it's chapter 16 in Proverbs. I'm going to jump over there really quick.
I might be.
[00:02:48] Speaker B: Yeah, this is it.
[00:02:49] Speaker A: The preparations of the heart is in man. But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. All the ways of man are. Are pure in his own eyes. But the Lord weigheth the spirits. Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thought shall be established.
It's in your mind, like what you want in the dreams. And all these things that come are going to come from you. But it's God that directs your spirit. It's God that directs. It's God that creates the path. He cuts the way.
But there's a time for all of this. If I would. If I would have got and received what we have now, when we started, I would have been obsessed with work. All I would have done in life was work. But God pounded me. Man pounded me, changed my attitude, changed everything about life. Where I realized what's important in life for me is God, my family, enjoying what I eat, enjoying what I drink, taking the time to enjoy the good of my life, the good of our labor, enjoy the moments. And not just the success. It's not about the success. Because God says anything in your life. Like if you are. Well, you know what? I can go over all this in chapter 5, verse 10. He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver, nor he that loveth abundance with increase.
You're never going to be satisfied in life by the increase in the abundance of something that's not what's satisfied. Because you're just going to want more. It's like all work is for your mouth. Yet what is that? The appetite is never filled.
It's endless. The game is endless. The things you're going for are endless. But once you receive those things, it's not going to be the satisfaction of your soul that's not going to satisfy and satiate you. What's going to satisfy you is God. What's going to satisfy you in your life is. Is God. Because you start to remove the things that don't matter in life. The things that you drive and you strive for. Just for your mouth, for the appetite of your mouth that will never be satisfied. It's God that satiates, it's God that satisfy. And you got to start to put your mind and your heart on the things that matter, the things that occupy your thoughts, the things that occupy your soul. Again, what you think about makes you. You the seat of your distinctive character. Your heart is occupied by the things you think on. What are you thinking about? What drives you? And then recognizing that God's word is spiritual, there to direct, there to help you through life. There's another verse in here. It's like it's what God's word is there for.
It's there to help you, it's there to change your mind. You got to change what you think on. It's not okay to just wake up and oh, this is the way I've always been. No, wrong.
It's. You find the word, you stick to the word. You find the things that change your mind, you read it, you change it. You direct your life towards it. And you will be satisfied in life, I promise. You start to pray to God. Lift it up in the name of Jesus Christ. When you pray, you pray to God. You never pray to Jesus Christ. Doesn't matter what you've been taught, it's wrong. You pray to God. You lift it up in the name of Jesus Christ. Have a beautiful day today. God bless you and your family and.
[00:05:59] Speaker B: I'll talk to you tomorrow.
[00:06:10] Speaker A: Well, Heavenly Father, thank you so much for today and for the things of today.
[00:06:14] Speaker B: I pray for everybody's safety with the ice storm and you just take care of them. I pray for my brother, my sister in law and their kids that you just take care of them and that you get them through this and that this sickness is quick and goes away. Also for my mom. I thank you for the family that you've given me and, and the things of my life. I thank you for your word and how much it's helped me and changed me. And I just ask for you to continually open it up. And I thank you again for your son and what he did for us that we can live spiritually and not by the law. And I'm very, very thankful for that. I lift up a great day to you in the name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.