591. We are acquainted again with God's love

December 30, 2021 00:07:48
591. We are acquainted again with God's love
Daily Bible Verse and Teaching
591. We are acquainted again with God's love

Dec 30 2021 | 00:07:48


Show Notes

We are acquainted again with God’s love – Romans 5:8-10, Romans 5:1

Romans 5:8-10

But God commendeth (put together, to introduce to one’s acquaintance) his love toward (unto, in direction) us, in that (because), while we were yet sinners, Christ (the messiah) died for us.

Much more then, being now justified (set forth as righteous) by (remaining within) his blood (Jesus Christ’s blood) we shall be saved (to make sound) from wrath through him.

10 For if, when we were enemies (object of emnity), we were reconciled (to change against anything; a change that the opposite party lays aside its enmity) to God by (out from) the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

Romans 5:1

Therefore being justified (set forth as righteous) by (out from) faith (believing), we have peace (state of undisturbed well being) with (out from) God through (the dividing line) our Lord Jesus Christ:

We are acquainted again with God’s love

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