794. Bring every thought to Christ - daily bible verse

October 13, 2022 00:06:27
794. Bring every thought to Christ - daily bible verse
Daily Bible Verse and Teaching
794. Bring every thought to Christ - daily bible verse

Oct 13 2022 | 00:06:27


Show Notes

Bring every thought to Christ - 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

3 For though we walk (course of life) in the flesh (carnal nature), we do not war (to make war) after the flesh (carnal nature):

4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty (morally and physically powerful) through (by) God to the pulling down (destructio) of strong holds (fortress);)

5 Casting down (taking down) imaginations (reasoning), and every high thing (high position, height) that exalteth (lift up oneself) itself against the knowledge (experiential knowledge) of God, and bringing into captivity (seek to lead captive) every thought (purposed thought) to (motion to) the obedience (hearing attentively) of Christ;

Bring every thought to Christ

via dailybibleteaching.com

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