1266. God's thoughts are not our thoughts - daily bible verse

December 16, 2024 00:07:37
1266. God's thoughts are not our thoughts - daily bible verse
Daily Bible Verse and Teachings
1266. God's thoughts are not our thoughts - daily bible verse

Dec 16 2024 | 00:07:37


Show Notes

God’s thoughts are not our thoughts – Isaiah 55:8-9, Psalms 130: 1-5, Ps 68:19 Isaiah 55:8-9 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Psalms 130: 1-5 130 Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord. 2 Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. 3 If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? 4 But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou […]
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[00:00:01] Speaker A: Good morning. Good morning. How are you on this fine, fine, beautiful day? I hope you're having a great day today and I hope you are excited today because today is the day that the Lord hath made. We will be glad. We will rejoice in it, rejoice in every single moment. And that's be blessed and be happy in every moment that you have under the sun, in this cosmos, in this arrangement. Be thankful again, be happy and continually give God that sacrifice of praise. The way you get to happiness is through belief. [00:00:32] Speaker B: Just so you know, Just so you. [00:00:33] Speaker A: Know, I've actually gone through this teaching a couple times this morning. I have no idea why it's been so difficult. But over the weekend I have a buddy that's gotten in trouble with the law multiple times and he called me actually from jail. And he's in there for like, I. [00:00:49] Speaker B: Don'T know, like 200 days or something like that. And he's. [00:00:52] Speaker A: It's for. Anyways, he's been in there for like 200 days and he's been reading the Word. Now, my buddy is a believer. He's just going through kind of a hard time in life. And he called me, he said, jared, this verse finally hit me and it's changed everything. And I don't know why it changed everything, but it changed everything. If you go to Isaiah, chapter 55, verse 8, it says, for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways. My ways, Say it the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. My buddy is an analytical guy, smart, smart, smart guy. I think he was. I think he's pre law or he's smart. And for him what he realized is that God's ways are not his ways. His thoughts are not his thoughts. Therefore he doesn't need to be the one. It doesn't have to make sense to him in order for this to be the truth and in order for him to believe it. Once you turn towards God and you read it and you believe it and you walk upon it and that walk upon and set your course of life upon it, you're going to realize it's going to change your life, it's going to change who you are. And it might be whatever verse it is, there might be a verse in here that it hits you, that it changes, it starts to cause effect, but it's the Word that provides hope. And one, today I'm going to go through all this where the Word does all these things. Once you Start to read the Word. It's going to help you through those situations because it shows you situations where believers were in bad positions and God brought them through. But God's ways are better than our ways. There's so many places in here, again, that talk about things that if you just follow, if you go through Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, gives you a little bit of perspective in life. But it talks about, like, things like don't get into debt. That means credit card debt. That means car debt, that means house debt. I have no idea why, but that's what God says to do. God says to love people. I have no idea why. But you choose to do it. Because I know that his ways are higher than my ways. His thoughts are not my thoughts. His ways are the way of life. That way, once you believe in the name of Jesus Christ again, this isn't about whether or not you're going to heaven or hell. You are righteous the minute you believe in the name of Jesus Christ, the minute you confess it, it's done. It's not about that anymore. It's about the way you live. Do you want to live towards life through all of its manifestations, life being made visible, or do you want to walk in the state of death? Death is the carnal nature. God's ways are higher than our ways. And when you start to read the Word and become a workman for the Word, you start to understand what, how to walk. And that godly grief will convict you, to bring you into a state of a better state, of a moral condition that's higher. It changes everything. If you go to Psalms chapter 130, verse 1, it says, out of the depths have I cried unto the Lord. Lord, hear my voice. Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications or prayers of personal need. If thou, Lord, markest iniquities, and these are violations of the law, who should stand if God counted every single thing against you, if you violated the law, no one's going to stand. The only person that did is Christ Jesus. Verse 4. But there is forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared, or that people will have reverential awe towards him. God, God forgives you always. We have a loving God. He forgives you for all things. Verse 5. I wait for the Lord. My soul doth wait. And in his word do I hope God will bring the expectation of future good through His Word. So if you're having a hard time having that peace, knowing that God's going to take Care of stuff. That's what the Word is here for. It does so many things. I think there's so many places, one of these days I'll go through it. But there's so many things in the word. It talks about what it does for you. The beginning of wisdom is to have reverential awe towards God. That's the beginning. If you want to start doing the right thing, it's to start having reverence. And that comes through the relationship. Believing in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ and going to him peace, which is the state of undisturbed well being. And what's the other one? Peace and grace, which is that loving disposition will make you full through the instrument of the epignosis. Having a true and personal relationship with him and his son. It starts with having reverence towards God. I want to finish with this. If you go to verse 68 of Psalms. Blessed be the Lord who daily loadeth us with benefits. Even the God of our salvation, he daily loadeth you with benefit. He loads you with benefits every day. You have a loving God and if you're in a place where you're freaking out, go to him. You gotta choose the word. You gotta choose God. His thoughts are not our thoughts. It's not gonna make sense to you. But once you start to do it and you start to put this stuff in, in your mind, it's gonna. It's gonna bring out a love that you have not felt. I promise you that. Have a beautiful day today. Pray the big prayers lift everything up in the name of Jesus Christ. When you pray again, you pray to God, never to Jesus Christ. It's not biblical. You pray to God, you lift it up in the name of Jesus Christ. Have a beautiful day. God bless you and your family. And I'll talk to you tomorrow. [00:06:44] Speaker B: Well, Heavenly Father, thank you so much for everything you do for us. I pray for everything that's going on in our country right now. This drone. I pray that you just take care of that situation. I thank you for my family again for the business that you just continually bless us and daily loath us with those benefits, Father. I'm very, very thankful for that. I'm thankful for you constantly reaffirming with my friends and family that you're here with us. And I thank you for just the examples you've given over the years. I thank you for your son and what he's done for us. And I lift up a great day to you in the name of Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

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